New AnyTone firmware !

A new firmware for the D578UV and D878UV was released by AnyTone today.
This new firmware can be found in the Downloads section. 2

Change log:

  • CPS->APRS-> AprsDisTime, allows to set the APRS display time on the screen.
  • CPS->APRS -> Aprs Alt Data, allows to set the APRS altitude to fixed beacon use.
  • CPS->Public -> APRS -> Analog-> Digipeater Path, allows to input more digipeater paths..
  • CPS->Optional Setting -> Alert Tone -> Key Tone, change to turn off the key tone only. Other beep tones are keeping on.
  • CPS->Optional Setting ->GPS Ranging ->Time Zone change from GMT to UTC
  • CPS->Analog->5Tone ->5Tone decode units, allows to filter the income 5Tone ID. For example, if the setting is 109, the radio will receive all the calls 5Tone ID start with 109.

Extra changes in the D578UV firmware:

  • CPS->Optional Setting -> Key function, rename the key function “ FM radio” to “AM/FM”
  • Change the channel type indicate icon to cyan color when the mixed channel receive analog signal.

Extra changes in the D878UV firmware

  • Resolve the issue that the channel setting changed in radio doesn’t save in codeplug.
  • Resolve the issue that Lat set to S and write into radio, it will return to N when read the radio again.